Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Go through the wall
when you get back

a dust pours
over your hands 

your soul was once substantial
oscillating in the mud face

you wear dry
through fanned air 

Between dignity and intimacy
you can now inhabit

the long countryside
under construction, 

ribbed passage 
through bulwarks,

and the clanging bell
of darkened light.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The complete presence
of almost nothing
- the person vanished -

stirs its memory, embodies
name, voice, and gesture,
forgets the face.

Unawares, others trust -
only I am
watching this familiar

relatedness turn duplicitous,
the man seeming
equal to no

more of distance
than umbilical measure,
is, will be, has been

uncoupled - finessing
recall from indistinct
imaginings. His silence

breaks the trance
of speech, will
cracks, forcing acts

to hope for
incoherence or movement
toward vital, joyous

enterprise. The car
pulls out, heads
for the horizon's

linear necessity,
scraping past perspective's
diminishment. Clouds flatten 

feeling, the storm
moves in, and an entrance-
way door closed

prematurely.  Skittish
with indifference?  Bowed?
The beyond boomerangs,

and the here
comes back to
returns life from

what he had
thought to put
behind.  Others.  Estrangement.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This has never happened
that things are the way they are
because they could not turn

The dancers, staged to question,
What could be more real
than the body?,
when individual expressions
become an ensemble’s
disclosure through 
form’s achievement

a dream of scattered presence
and for the self (which is the audience)
original emotion 
shaped by attention
focused every instant
here, where we are, as we are


The dancers
are floored
to start, heaps
that separate
into the limbs
of trunks
air, narrowing
in a wanton
flurry of leaping
grace of simple
lines no one
knew were drawn


You carry your feet
with your breath,

lifting the pounding heart
from its cavity,

and ranging with intent
over a prophetic space

knowledge cannot reach
to put a hand on


There are no lights,
but lit by wrist and fingers
upturned faces

display moon masks
until the shoulders drop
and the arms flare

as elbowing wings bank
into a spiral flight
hips pivot through

Friday, April 16, 2010


Pop songs, on a radio,
scratched at the darkness

Doors shut and opened
throughout the house

Your parents were snoring
but nothing was trustworthy

Chance had left you
to wall and ceiling angles

that converged, like feelings,
foreshortening corners

In a dream you ventured out
into the unfamiliar woods

prowled trees
adorned with scalps

and the dead snapped back,
stinging across the face.

Scurry, dampness,
and torch light
turned the warrior
back for breath.

No telling how
frightened or captive

the family would look
in the kitchen, in the morning

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We came upon
and entered
creation by chance,

in an unfolding
of events

that went on
without us.
Fire was the event 

that turned my desire.


Either and Or
set up the choice.

To take a breath
before I needed one

to flash out
of my appearance.

The sun always got dizzy
from its fear of heights.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A white owl with red eyes
lands the sky

We twist around, go for
the open garden’s edge

drawn to the sounding river
because the back

is a flowing river
rising to silt

the danger
darkness has become


The lover, the friend,
and the stranger
each will betray you

the lover for passion,
which is beyond reproach,
the friend for gain,

which will not last,
the stranger for evil,
which has no recompense

With each you must go
willingly, permit all wounds
to bear weight 

lost directions,
scar threading sinuous


The brightening light
we wade in
obliterates distress

as a mountain,
as its agile lion,

moving past
the owl still
until the last

wing feathers 
stitched to the taxidermist's

Monday, April 5, 2010


The starting point is at the bottom
you get to using words, their tilted
sounds and false show, for support.

Surefooted, laconic, and culpable,
you work moves past embellishment
girding image with mendicant emotion,

constructing loss by left to right ascent
that altogether disappears
inverted sky, an empty bowl

when something happens off the ground.
This is the poetic leap,
finished with meaning, and there is nothing
about it to point at.  The poet goes back
to the articulated house.  Its brick
chimney draws smoke above a gable roof.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Spaced along the shore 
like chess pieces in an end game,
stalking, patient, still
feelings sorted, thoughts 
not meant to arise 
and feed off memories.
An egret moves suddenly,
stabs at a fish in the water,
swallows it whole.
Then what you desire
(and you are always in pursuit)
folds into difference
needs recalled as pleasure. 

You brought rod and reel.
Always, the scout of wind,
water’s white caps. 
Past lives float upside down
in the lake swells,
and just beneath the surface,
anger glinting like a silver lure

The sky fathers traffic,
twigs carried in beaks,
a landing dance 
of plumes and clapper. 
The knowing self points out
a female heron, lining 
the woven nest 
awaiting ritual, high 
in a tall tree's chill
and the rookery's noise.
The place will be defended.
You go away. 