Sunday, October 20, 2024


    Language, all gussied up, eased
into hours talking with itself - 

a Texas drawl,

Wild Turkeys

   twisting away

         the orange rind.

Always the last to leaf

(in) leave taking.

Damp silence

mudding clarity.


You bring your sweat to the job,

the art of hanging sheets

between gravity and the weave of clouds

   chasing the drift


It happened because we left the window open.

I slept with a woman

who synchronized clocks

with the tiniest whims

of reciprocity.


Rhythm guides the body’s placement,

Image moves it on.


break down their construction,

nouns become verbs,


Samuel Johnson’s dictionary 

had rocks to roll.

Or a measure of music was heard

within one discordant vowel.



Two centuries ago, 

Fiction couldn’t survive secrecy.

A chair was thrown across the room.

A carriage pulled away from the house

and into fog.

Rhetoric climbed atop grammar.


Look at what you have to say at dawn,

ticketing a stop sign

your tongue consumed 

in a slow poke’s




The hand moves to cover


My face, wincing


I trample the way

Soft, vulnerable growth

In the moisture 


Teeth cut short

And lips

-       Babble on



Noon sun honeymoon 

Passing through the cerebral


where sweethearts flourish

Thursday, October 3, 2024


To do a runner

means to outdistance

the voice of conscience

coming from the castle


We arrowed through 

the toll booths

without getting shot


Tunnels cut up the sky

Guests offered giddy congrats

anticipating hoofing back


I sorted the hierarchy

(me on the bottom tier)

    of obligation


    living in a trailer

somewhere sixties

before we missed out


Enclosure revived deprivation


nears belonging



Did I mention Vajrasattva?

Deity on the scene 

cannot be real but feels

absolutely real


   turbulent scales

    laid open

to this or that




climbing the ladder 

reaches into the attic

yes, you may


squeeze through 

the soft spot

on top of your skull