Friday, April 12, 2024


Images led 
their channeled winds

through a canal 

of birthrights


Another’s crude fingerprint

on the first to bruise

leaves piling up 


the particular contractions.

The same yellow slicker.

Park paths.

"Leave-taking self for another"



The cobbled street ran along a canal

A man was going into one

Of the yellow buildings

He hung up his raincoat

Sat down at the chair by the door

And peeled off his galoshes

He had passed no one on the street

And the office was empty

There was a coffee machine down the hall



No unconscious force

Or historical totality

Survives a military's gauntlet.


Fecundity's 1st Instance

Entirely undivided

Before you pull apart


Sugared cinnamon

Fried dough

Loose change