Thursday, October 3, 2024


To do a runner

means to outdistance

the voice of conscience

coming from the castle


We arrowed through 

the toll booths

without getting shot


Tunnels cut up the sky

Guests offered giddy congrats

anticipating hoofing back


I sorted the hierarchy

(me on the bottom tier

    of obligation


    living in a trailer

somewhere sixties

before we missed out


Enclosure revived deprivation


nears belonging



Did I mention Vajrasattva?

Deity on the scene 

cannot be real but feels

absolutely real


   turbulent scales

    laid open

to this or that




climbing the ladder 

reaches into the attic

yes, you may


squeeze through 

the soft spot

on top of your skull

Friday, September 20, 2024


Hugging the wall

As if a shadow

He sees in the dark, sure

hinted motion

converged the guards


My head tilted 

toward the feet

His voice strong, 

Singing, on the Fourth Way

A fakir’s timeless mantra


Return to the saint

adornments, to the homeless

land, then steal  

from within

a beggars’ identity



at the gates of a nation

his re-entry barred

stood calling out

God’s hundred blinded names

Thursday, September 5, 2024



The absence of death

is lostness of memory   


The imposture 

quickly justifies himself 


Sad, that consciousness 



“A specific capacity to be redeemed”




What’s funny about love 

You forget the details 

remember the fall

   that one day, you first

loathed yourself


You never had recognized 

truth being Less


drawing the animal 

Spirit Card


seeing clouds as thickets

tall tree limbs climbed

to pry holes open 

for leafed cleansing

the moony sky’s sin




The horizon is a mouth opened wide

Its hunger paves the asphalt sky

Oiled seas’ rustproofing sticks

Shorebird feathers to bodies -

A smoke aggrieved diffraction


Pulling myself up and over

the overwrought boardwalk

At the vacancy of doors

(its society teeming)

fairground rides invert

the undercarriage


You find the mailbox empty 

This being the surface of our greetings 

Its irony repose of laughter




The museum keeper sorts and labels

Objects entrusted him, changing

Shows weekly, hoping visitors will not tire

of returning.

         As they observe

objects, he observes them,

hearing a voice outside his head

“unbalanced” whose?




What I miss other than you

   is also you


Thunder God

   indelible Lightning,


each with a claim

on a thin electric Wand

  of interruption

Piercing the fruitful


with a lot to ask


of elders, and a populace





I picked some lovely flowers for you.

 “Don’t bring them by.”


Forests are the home of the imagination

Couldn’t get around it No matter what


Your life

Needs to approach

Your shoes




Friday, August 9, 2024



being sop

absent you, 

with you



a red wolf






Chaos, spirit, 

and light

share their centered




for all equations

of the heart

the dead

have an anechoic



shoot some hoops

laces pulled tight

above power

another’s fuss

advancing crustacean


its potential

of an olden



toweled off

Friday, July 19, 2024


Binoculars adjust for the eyes.

On a nearby hilltop

a business economy watches 

the normative close in,

circling like raptors 


The fire      of repudiation     having been lit

dancing commenced


Land rent   not to be


                           slavery, tenancy, capitalism


from this world   

(its place of progress)


w/nu hope 

w/out enclosure   laws of protection

for people,        not property,      freed 



The sky spits on me

I congratulate myself

feeling nothing

no anger, nothing

no spittle


I thrive alone


perfecting wisdom

while others go blind

forgetting the sutras


Let the text have its life

I recall the child

awakened by Mother

over no intention

but sweetness


Trust me

goes further

than prove it


a la carte

sins in stars

Spinoza’s Monism


   coming apart.

No man will tell me 

what to do


when I fly away

I’ll ask for Biscoff

Cookies if I please


  We age into frailty

cling to the few

distinctions we yet


uphold ashamed

and glad to be





I embraced a blind man

Walking his cane through the dark

When his head came off in my hands


Morning, and the head was back in place

Hair jelled up like the peak

Of a wooden fruit picking ladder


Uniformed, charged with reparations

On a continent stuffed with stowaways

Escaped from their cabins


No more heavy lifting

Slavery (Egyptian)

The whole population 

   building pyramids 


   or captives taken in war

Slavery (Roman)

The emperor’s face

Stamped on his coin


Patricians putting plebians to work

Taxes going up with interest

Into feudal dispensation


By strength, for fealty

Land parceled 

Tenants farming


Waiting for capitalism’s

   evening out.


         motivations abound



The soul has no connection           to Realty Drive

Pawn your security key       

    deficits, decibels, descriptions

belong to resist - 

                  beyond self

                  combat we


                  the body,

                  recall it’s


                  now without


                  or bardo

                  lights - 

                       the voice    of your   thrown-ness



Three disciples climbed

to the full reveal

of the transfigured


that can’t be looked upon 

and seen


Three disciples

         holding out

                  for a peaceful mind     

         the God-Man

         having promised,

                           “I will send it along     later”


Form you desire

                  Beauty       composed          restored

                           to original           face



                       01.02.2024 – 07.17.2024

Friday, June 21, 2024


Desire, Conception,

    Malignancy -

Wind picking up

out of nowhere 


When we knew the body,

  we knew the person


Wanting the best 


Please, recognize who

         we really are



Yamantaka, Conqueror

   of Yama,


    of Death”


Each of life’s transitions

Appropriates an ancient offering


The head has shifted

   A path to enlightenment

 And below, 

bared shoulders



My dear friends,

in Narsaq

the one Jew 

arrived on Green-is-land

with wife and dog

to wilderness


I have books


I read, study


Sometimes, at dusk

I sense the child

clutching air

without shame

  as if wisdom

were an afterthought.

That was my mother’s hand.

Have you noticed her?

She dances, in shadows!



The news is good.

The house of the Lord we built

         still stands.

Icebergs ferry sheep

across the fjord

Musicians negotiate 

  the music

of the mouth.





         Essex, VT

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Guardian, custodian, teacher:
Another damned tutor to get past
Before the intuition.

        - De Quncey's "estrangement from Wordsworth" attributed to the latter's
           pride, arrogance, and rudeness - 
                "the whole theory of picturesque beauty"
agitating the taxed cognition


Vanished thoughts resist retrieval,
the pitch of words
No more.

"seen from within"
            "watched over"

each new thought
                    a volley of cannonballs
                                                My Way
                              (fort's re-enactment)

"to perceive directly without reasoning, know by immediate perception"

a paradigm    
                tossed about     on lake waves    


Follow the breath                further out                than can be watched
            Sit        w/the feeling of finished "to do"


                        for Romance you shall quest


The child never "safe, safe and sound, healthy"
            Left alone       (toying) with hand-me-down
                        Needs    himself        "to be strong"

Friday, April 12, 2024


Images led 
their channeled winds

through a canal 

of birthrights


Another’s crude fingerprint

On the first to go

Becoming smaller


Bruised leaves


The particular



Park paths. 

The yellow


Others for ourselves



The cobbled street ran along a canal

A man was going into one

Of the yellow buildings

He hung up his raincoat

Sat down at the chair by the door

And peeled off his galoshes

He had passed no one on the street

And the office was empty

There was a coffee machine down the hall



Call it hazing

Or a military’s gauntlet

No joke.


The 1st Instance

Entirely undivided

Before you pull apart


Sugared cinnamon

Fried dough

Loose change

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Many feel depressed. Our times, our truth,

   our pitter-patter. 

Rain clouds         a storm of greys.

Depression not what you want       wet, 

messing with                the innocuous

(a soldier’s boot kicked at the garden)  

Spring buds 

If lucky, brought to bloom.  

wanting to open for my wife.

I’m too tired to talk.

The broken-hearted ask, "How's your day?" 

"Amiss” I say, and to the heartbreakers, “I give.”

The bully keeps me up in the air, all his weight 

grounding his end of the seesaw.  

Tell my doctor your concerns.

I've been culling thoughts,

slighting details.


Infrequently, many things     clear.  

Always, one thing        shrouded. 

   Real time bums out people. 

Lots of off base explanations, 

tried out first in a sand box.  

A person who doesn't like herself.  

Another blames it on meteor showers. 

You get one penalty shot.

Miss, maybe shocked. 

Please tell 

the professionals of medication 

   I am empty within, where the swelling begins,

just above the groin, and the brain 

has no patience re-routing desire.  

I was an anti-virus, a consumer of restlessness 

who became lethargic.  There’s no reason 

to get out from under.  

The door is locked from the outside, 

   and guards dress as nurses.  

A depressed person always has a suitcase handy, 

packed for every occasion. 

Sartre's "No Exit," for instance


The last café you need requires your portrait

The painted absinthe drinker 

recalling the signature EXIT sign             a gift

from Simone de Beauvoir.

Her EXIT could go up on most anyone's wall, 

where it stays out of sight and is quickly misconstrued.


    Here you are to run, there stop.   

    Walk to keep busy.  Move between the lines. 

When nude in traffic.

           Avoid mirrors.                                                                         

Someone was looking for something in my eyes.

A searchlight was strapped to your forehead

and its’ penciled beam swallowed 

the dark by mistake.